Friday, April 20

Sophomoric stories

It looks like Dan and I will not be going to Karlovy Vary this weekend. Completely out of the blue, he and I have a few visitors this weekend, so we're staying in town to hang out with them. Alas, Dan and I will have to travel together again at some other point in the future...

Thursday was a great day that ended up being kinda 'busy' (I say 'busy' because I was really busy finding new ways to relax all day). Class early, then a trip to an art exhibit with another class, then a few of us stuck around the train station (where the art exhibit was. It was neat) to browse the second hand store there. I bought a belt. Then I decided it was time for me to find a new park to read in. I had heard that the Royal Gardens, at Prague Castle are really nice, and a great place to camp out for a few hours.

So I made my way up the castle hill and into the gardens (and I did it without any sort of directions! It's nice to know a city well enough to be able to do that). The rumors were true - it's a beautiful garden, with lots of colors and paths to get lost in. The only problem was I found myself in grave need of a urinal.

You might not want to hear about this, but I think it's a good story. It's not so much that I had to pee so badly, but it was enough to be annoying. And the place was so beautiful, and so far from any real bathroom, that a thought occurred to me...what if I peed in the royal gardens? What if I did it? What a story! What was at first a small inkling of necessity quickly blossomed into an all-out passionate desire, the desire to take this challenge and run with it. So, without going into the details, I search for a suitable place, and accomplished my mission. I peed on a royal bush (HA!).

Read for an hour before wandering around the area some more, eventually stumbling upon the old moat, which has been converted in an incredible park (the president lives near there, so there was a Czech military man wandering around who, I was convinced, was going to yell at me for something). Then met up with Dan for an afternoon of...eating...before going home, studying for my Czech exam, watching Lost, taking a nap, and going back to Dan's apartment for the evening (we had a great time, despite some interesting moments. A bunch of people from my program showed up, which was an interesting collision of worlds for me). Like I said, a 'busy' day!

Today, however, not so busy. Class and lunch has been about it. Tonight Dan and I are going to dinner with our friends in town, and then who knows. The weekend should be fun, capped off by Jonas's birthday party on Sunday night. But what I'm looking forward to the most is getting hours and hours of wonderful sleep.