Sunday, January 14


Originally uploaded by bregman.
So here's me, in January, before I leave...tomorrow...I'll post an "after" picture in May.

Spent the day packing (and recovering from the insanity that was last night). Mom and I managed to fit everything into one rolling duffel bag, which is fantastic. My mother honestly got into a fight with the bag...they had a staring contest. She was determined to fit everything in, even if it didn't like it. dear bag: never mess with Judie.

Saw Scott, Esme, and Taryn one last time this morning (but couldn't eat much at breakfast...). Taryn and I are planning on meeting at some point and heading to Auschwitz, to add another place to our tandem tour of the Jewish world, and possibly also meeting in Dublin for St Pat's Day. It feels like we're making plans to meet at Starbucks: "oh yeah, I'll just meet you in Munich, we'll grab a latte and go to Poland."

The flight tomorrow is at 10:30pm. I'm excited, but not anxious...yet. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I arrive in London at noon Monday, spend the night, and leave for Prague at about 8am Tuesday morning. Seems easy enough. But I have no clue how to get to my hotel in London.

My host family is picking me up in Prague, and what's terrifying is not so much the idea of meeting them (they seem wonderful), but the idea that I have NO CLUE what happens once i get there! I go home, I assume...but then what? Did I miss something in an email from CIEE? Or do I honestly just chill until I'm contacted? And then there's the whole...I speak very little Czech...thing...

Told you I'd get anxious!